Lucia Hawley Lucia Hawley

J. L.

My relationship with food included obsession with food and both undereating and overeating on a daily basis. I’d lose a few pounds here and there but never really saw the fat come off. I also had lots of nausea, bloating, and indigestion that left me uncomfortable. I gained so much knowledge in this journey, and am way more confident with food. My relationship with food has improved drastically. My overall health has improved; I’m sleeping better, moving better in the gym which is priceless to me as a fitness professional. I dropped 15% body fat and went from 170 pounds to 135 pounds! My relationship to food is priceless.

J. L.

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Lucia Hawley Lucia Hawley

S. Y.

Since starting, I have noticed that I am much more able to approach food and other decisions from a place of doing what I want to do, really acting on my values rather than on a short-term, temporary idea like eating low carb for a month. I have lost about 12 pounds, but even more importantly, I have been amazed at how easy it has been and how much I have gotten from this work that has nothing to do with weight! It’s really been about changing old habits and opening myself up to new possibilities and freedom. The entire process has felt so smooth, supportive, deep, and simple.

S. Y.

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Lucia Hawley Lucia Hawley

K. C.

Before working with Lucia, I felt wrong for wanting to lose weight, like I was somehow betraying the Body Positivity, Health At Every Size, or Anti-Diet movements. But using the thought work tools I’ve processed why I felt so much pressure! And now I’ve been able to eat whatever I’ve wanted, am maintaining my 30+ weight loss—even during the holidays. It’s been really amazing to eat whatever I want instead of eating what I think I should be eating, by evaluating instead of reacting to my thoughts.

K. C.

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Lucia Hawley Lucia Hawley

Angela W.

Being a part of Lean + Liberated, I feel so empowered! I understand how to manage the diet-y thoughts and feelings now and have been amazed to see how I do one thing is how I do many things. I’ve lost over 10 lbs and have kept it off. And the weirdest, non-diet-y part of it all is that it was so simple. I feel like my mind has been transformed. I used to let my thoughts rule over me, dictating my feelings and my actions. The way I approach thoughts now, especially ones that are stressful and anxious, is totally different. Did it take some practice? Yes, but that’s the work. That’s how you release the weight!

Angela W.

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Lucia Hawley Lucia Hawley

Sarah B.

I always exercised, but did not have a good handle on eating healthy quantities. I really feel terrific now that I know what my body needs and I'm happy to feed it that and have some fun with food as well. The way I eat and how I look at food has transformed. I really am able to wake up and ask myself if I am hungry. And I check in with myself during the day with the same question. I think differently about emotional ups and downs in life. Instead of bracing myself for them or feeling defensive, I just let them be and manage them! The things I like most about my 20+ pound weight loss is that it feels so sustainable for the long haul—I started Lean + Liberated about 11 months ago!

Sarah B.

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Lucia Hawley Lucia Hawley

Kayla C.

I haven’t really felt hungry at all and saw the scale move in just a week! Right before my period none-the-less!! I love how easy it is to adjust things based on my goals!!! Once again I just really love how Lucia gives the power back to us. I am down over 30 pounds!

Kayla C.

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Lucia Hawley Lucia Hawley

Sarah. Bu.

I have continued to use the lessons I’ve learned and coaching in my day to day life and yesterday when I weighed myself I was down 30 pounds from when I started Lean + Liberated! I have really shifted my approach to myself and my body and my brain over time. It’s not work. For me, it’s a mindset.

Sarah Bu.

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Lucia Hawley Lucia Hawley

J. S.

The biggest change is that I'm much more relaxed about food in general. I was having trouble with controlling, not only what I ate, but how much. I feel very much in control of that now and it isn't difficult anymore. This program is so good no matter what level you're at. If you want to pay attention to nutrition, it is a great way to get started. But even if you've been at it for a while, there's always more you can learn. DO THE WORK IT!!! I am totally back in love with my eating.

J. S.

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Lucia Hawley Lucia Hawley

K. S.

It's about being kind to yourself. I genuinely, gradually, and kindly changed my attitude toward my body. I feel less anxiety because I feel more in control and capable to make good choices and come back to good choices when I have a special treat. I don't feel bloated all the time like I used to. Give your body space for positivity and growth instead of restriction and authoritarianism. Lucia sets a wonderful example and is baller. Lucia’s attitude about food and health sets a tone that I now replicate in my day-to-day life and veered me back into a headspace I like to be in.

Lucia is changing lives.

K. S.

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Lucia Hawley Lucia Hawley

Wendy. A.

The atmosphere of sessions is kind and supportive and non-judgemental. I no longer feel like I have to drop everything and go get something to eat. I am 54 years old and so have lived through a progression of dietary recommendations about fat -- a lot to unlearn. I feel much less anxious.

Wendy. A.

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Lucia Hawley Lucia Hawley

M. P.

I feel like I have more control over my relationship to food and alcohol. After "depriving" myself of certain things I tend to overindulge in, they now have less of a hold on me. You will get information, empowerment, and an increased sense of wellbeing. I feel like I have a lot more information to draw on to make healthy choices for myself and my family. (I'm also down five pounds in 3 weeks, which is nice.)

M. P.

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Lucia Hawley Lucia Hawley

Stephanie J

I so appreciated Lucia’s knowledge is deep and rooted in science. That knowledge, coupled with her gentle, encouraging nonjudgmental manner, is an awesome combination that makes it easy to take in information and truly change.

Stephanie J.

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Lucia Hawley Lucia Hawley

Testimonial - A. T.

Lucia provided amazing support and check ins and was available every step of the way. She was so calm and supportive and I couldn't have done it without her. I really have never done coaching prior to this but have followed just about every diet and was a weight watchers member twice. My mom was also a registered dietician and talked a lot about nutrition and eating and dieting and weight loss with me. Every other experience has been 100% focused on losing weight by whatever means necessary—usually starvation. I love that Lucia's focus is on selecting quality foods that feel good to you and eating them to satisfaction. Eating to satisfaction was a radical shift!

A. T.

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Lucia Hawley Lucia Hawley

A. W.

I’ve experienced radical self acceptance- I no longer think of my feelings as “good” or “bad.” For 30+ years of my life, that’s what I believed! But I see my feelings now as my superpower. It’s my way of showing myself how I’m experiencing and integrating an experience. Feelings are valuable information! How I manage my thoughts and feelings has totally changed. I thought I was just going to change what I eat and how much I move, but working with Lucia in Lean + Liberated has really helped me learn how to have ownership over my choices, including what I eat and how I move, yes, but also the thoughts and feelings around that.

A. W.

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