Welcome to the
Mindfulness-Based Weight Loss Podcast
This is your weekly resource that will help you put your weight loss resistance in the past, which is the key for simple, manageable, and sustained weight loss at the pace you want.
You are designed to thrive, not just survive!
Recent Podcasts
302. How I'll Lose Weight After Baby
Here's my exact postpartum weight loss plan for you to steal!
300. Building It Boring
Reflections on how the most successful clients, community members, and even my own successes have not only happened, but how they've become lifestyle habits for the longterm.
298. How To Leverage Time In Your Favor
How to decide your weight loss goal and use time to your advantage in this beautiful, life-giving personal choice.
297. Wellness Is A Habit
While we may all have unique aspects to our individual health, the vast majority of us benefit from the straightforward, simple wellness habits that we can practice each day until they become second nature, like brushing your teeth or putting your glasses on in the morning.
296. Method Madness
Which methods have you hung your hat on? Intuitive Eating? Anti-Diet? Keto? South Beach? Whole30?
295. 5 Pounds in 5 Weeks [Free Download]
How to lose five pounds in five weeks without counting calories.
294. Mindless Snacking
Snack attacks making your goals go haywire? Here's exactly what to do!
293. Mental Wellness Is Natural
Don't let the marketing of January fool you into thinking you're missing something in order to feel well. You have every tool already, naturally, to experience the mental wellness that you were born with!
292. The Six Healthy Habits
Get your notes app out, I'm teaching you the six healthy habits today!
291. Structured Flexibility
Hmmm, we're in that in-between week of the holidays! Here's how to sink into it and enjoy yourself while also staying consistent with your healthy habits:
290. Insulin Resistance with Dr. Morgan Nolte
Dr. Morgan Nolte is a board-certified clinical specialist in geriatric physical therapy. Recognizing a lack of preventative education and care that focused on reversing risk factors instead of just treating symptoms, Dr. Nolte founded Zivli, — an online course and coaching program that helps adults reverse insulin resistance for long-term weight loss and disease prevention. If you've ever wondered how the hormones insulin or leptin impact your weight loss and weight loss resistance, listen along to this fascinating interview.
289. Hunger is OK (Starving Doesn't Work)
Let's talk about something normal when you're in a consistent time of fat loss—hunger.
288. Holiday Eating 101
Root down into your focus on YOURSELF this holiday season! No more believing thoughts of confusion around how and why you eat—I promise you eating during the holidays is a peaceful experience for many, and you can easily join the ranks if you value this for yourself. Listen on to the show for how to more easily integrate contentment with all of the fun holiday foods this holiday season.
286. Holding Through Suckitude To Become Competent
Lucia has been teaching herself a brand new skill since the summer, while juggling all the noise that comes along with a cross-country move. Listen on to learn what important takeaways she discovered about herself that she now, in hindsight, can see apply to any, and every, goal we ALL have—basically, she had to be ok being an complete fish out of water for not hours, not days, not weeks... but MONTHS!
285. Guilt Associated With Losing Weight
There are two main places we experience guilt with losing weight. Feeling guilt for wanting to lose weight, and feeling guilty for losing weight and the changes with others we might experience along the way. Listen to today's episode to understand where this guilt comes from, and what to do less of so that that guilt stops running the show.