Welcome to the
Mindfulness-Based Weight Loss Podcast
This is your weekly resource that will help you put your weight loss resistance in the past, which is the key for simple, manageable, and sustained weight loss at the pace you want.
You are designed to thrive, not just survive!
Recent Podcasts
323. No More Monkeys
Weight loss isn't a no sum game, my friends… to clown with that, you can accomplish any goal you desire.
321. Baby Is Here!
Weight loss isn't a no sum game, my friends. It takes conscious effort, sustainable changes, and a willingness to be in relationship with your brain. If you're down to clown with that, you can accomplish any goal you desire.
320. Why You Eat When You Aren't Hungry
Why are you emotionally eating? This podcast episode holds an answer you may very much like to hear...
319. Too Much Self-Compassion?
Why you're too kind to yourself and how self-compassion helps you actually accomplish your weight loss goals:
315. Others' Negative Lives
If we talked about you thinking about other people a lot last week... this week, let's talk about other people's thoughts about your life this week.
314. Her Reality Isn't Yours
A focus on others' lives and choices can be what you make of it—so, what are you doing?
313. Buying A Better Story
Those old, less-than-helpful stories in your head about yourself... how's it going repeating those? Want some better stories? I've got 'em for you today.
312. What Is Progressive Overload?!
Let's understand how the concept of "progressive overload" applies to your wellness habits—stick with me.
311. Banish Your Excuses
Making excuses for yourself and your wellness habits you say you'll get to, but never do?
310. Doing The Damn Thing
Boost your confidence and let's actually lose that weight. For realio.
309. Falling Off The Wagon
Ohhhh so you THOUGHT you were beyond that wagon, didn't you... you thoughttttt you were evolved past it... well... well... well...
308. If You Can, You Must
One of my favorite phrases, especially as you release your expectations to think your way through losing weight.
307. You're Not Special
Love you, mean it—and what you're thinking about yourself isn't special or new.
306. How To Succeed During The Middle
So you're in the middle of your journey. You're tuning into your needs... you're eating around the calories that are giving you the progress towards the result you want... you're practicing non-identification with your thoughts... and you still have a ways to go!!!!! Here's the episode for you when the middle feels rather messy, and what to make of that.
305. Understand Your Satiety Cues
Many women trip themselves up by expecting the worst from their satiety cues (and their hunger cues) because of what they've practiced in the past, and what they now believe to be true. This week, let's ensure your all-or-nothing thinking about who you are and how your satiety works are aligned with the actual truth, and not with old negative stories that aren't serving you.
304. Graduating From Emotional Eating
How do you know when you've graduated from your emotional eating status? Is it your choice? Are there levels to this? Do you have permission to claim your graduation? Hmm!